Hi everyone! Halo semua!
Today,I'm going to introduce you with Bahasa Indonesia.
I've been keeping notes for 3 years,and I decided to let you know these informations.I will try to write all the things down here from my notebook.Let's get started!
Siapa nama kamu? = What's your name?
*In Bahasa Indonesia there is not any "am,is,are"
It's like,you just say my name Billy.
*Siapa means who, but while asking name we use siapa instead of apa(what).It's sharp pattern,you cannot say apa nama kamu,it's wrong.
*In Bahasa Indonesia,you add adjectives
after nouns unlike in English.
mobil biru = blue car
meja rusak = broken table
Siapa nama kamu? (What's your name?)
Nama saya Billy. (My name is Billy.)
Nama aku= namaku = my name
(You just add "ku" at the end of the words to
change the meaning of the word into "my"....)
*Saya and aku means my or I.
If you say just "saya" it means "I",
but if you use any name after saya,then it means "my".
In Bahasa Indonesia, "a" is not used.Let's see.
Saya beli (x) payung sekarang. = I buy an umbrealla now.
Saya beli (x) meja. = I buy a table.
But when you want to say 2, you surely add 2 to the sentence.
Saya beli dua meja. = I buy two table.
Go back to adjectives...
Saya beli payung merah. = I buy an red umbrella.
*adjectives after nouns in Bahasa Indonesia
Aku menemukan kunci berat. = I found a heavy key.
* "a, an" are not used
Note: In Bahasa Indonesia,they have no "tenses(present continuous,past perfect or future perfect)". You use verbs always same and people understand when the action happens according to continuation of your sentence.
For example; if you use "sekarang(now)" in your sentence then we understand that it's a sentence formed in Present Continuous Tense.
Saya makan nasi sekarang. = I'm eating rice now.
If you use "akan(will)" in your sentence then we understand that it's a sentence formed in Future Tense.
Saya akan makan nasi. = I will eat rice.
Then a verb is always same in a sentence even in its past meaning. Let's remember the example again...
Aku menemukan kotak berat,itu di depan rumahku kemarin.
I found a heavy box,it was in front of my house yesterday.
*menemukan(find) but you understand that you did it in the past when you hear the other sentence.
*"yang" is used between noun and adjective.
(after nouns before adjectives)
It has no meaning in English in this usage.
It is used to emphasize the object.
wanita yang cantik = beautiful lady
tas yang hitam = black bag
mobil yang biru = blue car
*It doesn't change the meaning but emphasizes...
You see 3 cars with your friend and you say:
What a wonderful car!
Then your friends says:
Which one?
And you say:
Mobil yang biru. (Blue car.)
Sindy gadis yang cantik. = Sindy is a beautiful girl.
Kamu pelajar yang baik. = You are a good student.
*As we don't have "am,is,are", we use student after kamu(you), and the adjectives comes after nouns, finally yang is after nouns but before adjectives.
In Bahasa Indonesia, to pluralize your words, you use words twice by using " - "
kata: word , kata-kata: words
gadis: girl , gadis-gadis: girls
botol: bottle , botol-botol: bottles
guru: teacher , guru-guru: teachers
Keep studying! :)
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